Bell Dental

The Fascinating Anatomy of a Tooth

Apr 30, 2018 @ 09:01 AM — by belldental
Tagged with: General Dentistry

One of the most complex and fascinating organs in the human anatomy is, believe it or not, the tooth.

Dr. Brian Bell and Dr. Justin Crocker, of Bell Dental Lake Jackson, TX, perform a range of restorative dentistry treatments to help patients maintain good oral health. Here, they review the anatomy of a tooth so patients know how best to care for their teeth.

The Tooth

In the most general terms, a tooth can be divided into the crown and the root. The crown of a tooth is the portion that extends above the gum line, while the root is the portion that is embedded in the jawbone. The tip of the root is called the apex.

Front teeth (incisors and canines) have one root, while back teeth (premolars and molars) have two to four roots. The functional or chewing surface of a tooth is known as the incisal surface for front teethand the occlusal surface for back teeth. The pointed structures on the chewing surfaces of back teeth are called cusps.

The Layers of a Tooth

The tooth is composed of four layers. 

The Big Picture

The permanent human dentition consists of 32 teeth, 16 in the upper jaw and 16 in the lower jaw: 

The teeth are numbered sequentially 1 through 32, starting in the upper right rear (#1) to upper left rear (#16), and lower left rear (#17) to lower right rear (#32). The four rear-most, or third, molars (#1, 16, 17, and 32) are sometimes called wisdom teeth.

Teeth are truly incredible structures that, when properly cared for, can help keep us nourished, healthy, and smiling, for our entire lives. 

Contact Us 

If you have questions or concerns about your teeth or any other aspect of your oral health, we would like to hear from you. We provide a wide range ofcosmetic and restorative dental procedures that can improve your dental health and give you a brighter smile. Call us for an appointment at (979) 297-1201 or contact us on our website.